
CFMU and the Silhouette is back with Mac Discussions 2023! This round table discussion addresses pressing questions posed exclusively by students made here on the topic of "What questions do you have for McMaster University?" 

1. How is the university addressing overcrowding issues on campus?  0:45
2. What are some measures being taken for students who are perhaps immunocompromised or at-risk? 6:33
3. If the pandemic proved hybrid models of doing in-person and online classes to be feasible, why is it not being implemented now? ? 13:07
4. What measures are being taken to resolve off-campus student housing issues? 21:52
5. What mental health services are being offered and how is the university working to ensure that these needs are met? 24:49

Panel Members​:
Jacqueline Hong - CFMU Community Outreach Coordinator
Kim Dej - Vice-Provost of Teaching and Learning
Sean Van Koughnett - Vice-President of Students and Learning
Elizabeth Wong - Board of Directors, Vice-President of Education
Sarphina Chui - Board of Directors, Vice-President of Finance