
Overnights on CFMU 93.3 FM:
New underground sound in the company of strange, rare delights.
Are you ready, boys? Are you ready, girls?

Established 1998

NOTICE: By listening to, or interacting in any way with the hosts of, you voluntarily consent to our Terms Of Service. WARNING: ​ This program may contain ideas, words, or opinions that may challenge, or be offensive to certain members of the broadcast audience. We advise discretion and ask if you are inclined to be offended by the material presented, that you IMMEDIATELY TUNE TO A DIFFERENT FREQUENCY OR TURN OFF YOUR RADIO RIGHT NOW. Please use this program at your own risk. The views expressed in the following program may not represent those of ​the host(s) or this station. on CFMU 93.3 FM, redefining radio in your community. Stick around, Weirdo.