- TimeTitleArtistAlbum
- 08:04bill lang triobill lang trioalice in bluesland
- 08:11renegrade brass bandjazz at st. germainles joyeux bouchers
- 08:13princess erikajazz at st. germaingod bless the child
- 08:16jimmy rowlesjazz at st. germaintherse foolish things
- 08:21hoagy carmichaelstardust melodystardust
- 08:28hoagy carmichaelstardust melodymarch of the hoodlums
- 08:31hoagy carmichaelstardust melodylazy river
- 08:34hoagy carmichaelstardust melodylazy bones
- 08:37nneena freelonmaiden vovagefuture news blues
- 08:44jimpson axe gangprison songsno more my lord
- 08:46tangle eyeprison songstangle eye blues
- 08:48rory blocktornadoPictures of you
- 08:56charles brownhoney dripperi cried last night
- 08:58john beardblues unionsally mae
- 09:00otis grandnothing slse mattersFinish Line
- 09:04ronnie earl and the broadcastersblues and balladsmr, b k
- 09:09little miltongreatest hitsblind man
- 09:14the big trouble bandIn Deepshe moves me
- 09:15johnny dyerjukinoverdose of love
- 09:20james armstrongsleeping with a strangerwrong address
- 09:24robert ealeyTurn out the Lightsshe`a rocket
- 09:26lucky petersonwe are the blueswho`s been talking?
- 09:29Beyond The Palerouteseavesdropping