Noise above all: I fight against the clock as I rush to cram in as many songs as possible before my ensuing psych midterm. A topically noisier selection of tunes this week, with a tiny dash of folk… and folk-influenced metal?
- TimeTitleArtistAlbum
- 15:30Fontaines D.C.RomanceStarburster
- 15:34The Dillinger Escape PlanDissociationSymptom of Terminal Illness
- 15:38The Dear HunterThe Color SpectrumThis Body
- 15:47ToolUndertowSober
- 15:51Nick DrakePink MoonRoad
- 15:52OpethStill LifeFace of Melinda
- 16:00Queens of the Stone AgeLullabies to ParalyzeEverybody Knows That You're Insane
- 16:07SloanSmearedI Am the Cancer
- 16:11Nine Inch NailsWith TeethGetting Smaller
- 16:15IhsahnÁmrWake
- 16:19MastodonCrack the SkyeThe Czar