we are celebrating ontario hardcore on indie in the city this week. this episode is filled with bands from hamilton and beyond, showcasing the latest music from the thriving heavy scene. there’s no spotlight artist so we could make room for as much music as possible!
- TimeTitleArtistAlbum
- 14:04LICEWorld of GreedPrevention of Peace
- 14:07WROUGHT, Dear EvangelineDEMO 2025BETRAYER
- 14:10Mile EndMile EndBind
- 14:13Ethereal TombObserving A Broken ManOBSERVING A BROKEN MAN
- 14:15GavelPromo 2023Step By Step
- 14:19Blood WraithRatasCrown of Odium
- 14:25maceDEMO 2023Take Notice
- 14:27Purity CulturePurity CultureBuried Potential