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Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 1pm-3pm on 93.3 CFMU

Spinning a mx of Hamilton are artists again this week. Has a great chat with Sarah Church this week, I will be airing it soon. Heading over to Grant Avenue to do a pre record with Mike Bruce about the studio. Going back to shovelling snow for now! I’m not even joking! 

The Reason feat Sarah Quinn / The Killjoys / Monster Truck / The Dirty Nil / Joys / The Foreign Films /The Marble Index / Matty Simpson / Teenage Head /Young Rival / Bryce Clifford / Arkells SianShperic / Sivertone Hills / Ktriggs / Lee Reed / Canadian Winter / Mer / Flowzus / Ltthemonk / Kojo Easy Dampty / James Alphonse / Ash & Bloom / Allegories / Brutus Begins / Caribou Billy Rodgers / Herd Of Elk / A Days Wait / Devon Bateson Cowlick / Ellis / Basement Revolver
Rachel Jones takes over this week for Lou’s Control with Jones Garage on 93.3 CFMU – WEDNESDAYS from 3pm – 5pm!
For music submission and Interview consideration email
- TimeTitleArtistAlbum
- 00:56KtriggsElementElement
- 13:03The ReasonThings Couldn't Be BetterWe're So Beyond This
- 13:10Monster TruckTrue rockersYoung City
- 13:13The Dirty NilFuck ArtDoom Boy
- 13:24The Marble IndexWatxh Your Candles Watch Your knivesAll That I Know
- 13:46SianshericSomniumI Like To Ride
- 13:51Silvertone HillsLimitsFree Me
- 14:07LttheMonkUptown Inter#333New Monk Swing
- 14:11Kojo Easy Dampty,Onglish, Chris Bruder,Tom AltobelliRadical thoughtsSee The Light
- 14:27Brutus BeginsMegamanic LowfireMegamanic Lowlife
- 13:06The KilljoysGimmie FiveRave&Drool
- 13:17JoysForever On My MindForever On My Mind
- 13:21The Foreign FilmsPerfect PicturePerfect picture
- 13:31Matty SimpsonStrange WeatherAlmost Home
- 13:33Teenage HeadFrantic CityLet's Shake
- 13:36Young RivalStay YoungBlack Is Gold
- 13:39Bryce CliffordHail TapesCan't Hardly Wait
- 13:42ArkellsRally CryPeoples Champ
- 13:57Lee ReedThe Butcher, The Banker,The Bitumen TankerNo Kanada
- 14:01Canadian WinterThe Snowball EffectOooh La La ,Ah Oui Oui
- 14:04FlowzusFather FlowzusFree Music
- 14:18James AlphonseI'll Be Your wallI'll Be Your Man
- 14:21Ash & BloomThe SparkCatching Like Fire
- 14:24AllegoriesIts My lifeIts My life
- 14:30CaribouSwimOdessa
- 14:36Billy RogersOne Night OnlyOne Night Only
- 14:39Herd Of ElkRed StarRed Star
- 14:44A Days WaitLong LinesLong Lines
- 14:47Devin BatesonOssiscopeHomeless Sapien
- 14:50CowlickWiresWhite Russians
- 14:53ellisno place that feels likeIt'll Be alright
- 14:57Basement RevolverRedlightRedlight