This third episode of the month was dedicated to all Women with our DJ Stefano that starts off by exploring history with the first time historic accomplishments followed by the incredible “Women warriors” during the Medieval times. In our midpoint we discussed the special day of the “Risorgimento” celebrating Italy’s unification on March 17, 1861 and of course St. Patrick’s “Italian” roots. As we move into the English portion of the show, we discuss the positives and negatives of being a woman in Italy and more about the widely acclaimed movie “Cabrini” inspired by the true story of the first American saint Mother Cabrini and why she was proclaimed as the Patroness of all Immigrants. Lastly, our Italian expression of the week “dimmi tutto” which literally means ‘tell me everything’ and can used in so many applications. Grazie a tutti e buona Domenica!
- TimeTitleArtistAlbum
- 12:03IddanaCI LLE' DIRI
- 12:06MewnaPosatenebre
- 12:16Fiorella MannoianaQuello che le donne non dicono
- 12:22Ornella VanoninaL'appuntamento
- 12:25I gigantinaIn paese e' festa
- 12:28Toto CutugnonaInnamorati
- 12:34Paolo ContenaBartali
- 12:42Andrea Bocelli, Virginia BocellinaDare to be
- 12:57Gianna NannininaMeravigliosa creatura