- TimeTitleArtistAlbum
- 21:32CANThe Lost TapesMillionenspiel
- 21:37FollakzoidII9
- 21:46Virna LindtShiverI Experienced Love
- 21:52YamasukiLe Monde Fabuleux DesYama Yama
- 21:53Africa ExpressEGOLIMorals
- 22:01K.J, YesudasNadodikkattuVaishaaka Sandhye
- 22:02Mulatu AstatkeNew York - Addis - London: The Story of Ethio JazzYegelle Tezeta
- 22:06Etran de L'AirAgadezTchingolene
- 22:12Chrissy Zebby Tembo and Ngozi FamilyMy AncestorsCoffin Maker
- 22:15Roger FakhrFine AnywayEverything You Want
- 22:18Los Dug Dug'sSmogSmog
- 22:22Os MutantesOs MutantesA Minha Menina
- 22:31Stiff Little FingersInflammable MaterialBarbed Wire Love
- 22:34KleenexLiLiPUTDC-10
- 22:38King Gizzard & The Lizard WizardIf Not Now, Then When?If Not Now, Then When?
- 22:45WeenShinola (Vol.1)I Fell In Love Today
- 22:48The BatsDaddy's HighwayBlock Of Wood
- 22:51Belle and SebastianDear Catastrophe WaitressPiazza, New York Catcher
- 22:57Eric's TripLove TaraBehind The Garage